Quickly learn how to add custons to the latest rathena emulator with item_db.yml
open your main GRF that is reading luafiles514 (in the example of the video is my data.grf because I don’t have another one)
1 – add your custom visual name to data\luafiles514\datainfo\accname.lub

2 – add your custom visual ID to data\luafiles514\datainfo\AccessoryId.lub

3 – Configure the item_db.yml in the server data base editor ( select the PRE-RE or RE folder from your rathena emulator database)
Link download SDE compatible item_db.yml https://www.mediafire.com/file/uv4vbucume1r5jy/SDE_v1.2.0.6.zip/file
obs: you can copy the id of some item like i did with id 500 and redirect it to the new ID.

4 – create the id on iteminfo.lub
identifiedDisplayName = item name after identifying or if already identified.
identifiedResourceName = location where the item’s sprite will be in the inventory / collection or when it drops
identifiedDescriptionName = item description after identifying or if already identified.
everything unidentified on the front will be when the item is not identified.

5 – place the files in the respective folders.
¾ÆÀÌÅÛ – folder that holds the spr e act of the items when dragged.
¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®/³²/ – folder of the equipped male look
¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®/¿©/ – folder of the equipped female look
data\luafiles514\datainfo\accname.lub – this is where you define the visual name
data\luafiles514\datainfo\AccessoryId.lub – file is where you define the view id of the visual.
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