Installing Mining System (or craft system):

Come on,

you will see these files:

In the client folder you will have some files, open the luafiles514 folder and you will find jobname.lub and npcidentity.lub

look in your grf or in your data folder for your luafiles514 / lua files / datainfo / jobname and npcidentity files open them and see the latest ids, it will look like this:

you open your mining npcidentity.lub file and paste what you have there at the end of your original file, looking like this:

now do the same with jobname.lub, looking like this:

remembering that JT_MINING_MOB_2 is the name we put to identify which id it is, so id 25103 will call the name in the mining1.act or .spr monsters folder

now let’s go to the SPRITES folder you will see this weird name ¸ó½ºÅÍ means that it is the ragnarok monster folder, you could even put it in the NPC folder but instead of getting an attack cursor, there will be a balloon and it will be horrible for someone to click …

copy these files:

And paste in the folder or grf that reads first on your Ragnarok Online.

Tip: to test which folder or GRF you read first change one of this mining1.spr to poring.spr and poring.act and do a @monster poring and see if it will be a rock, if it is .. it is because it is this folder or grf even if you are reading first.

now the texture folder will have this name À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º we will look in your grf or date the illust folder is where you load the famous cutins.

then you throw all these images there:

well .. basically ready! the customer part .. calm down!

— Now for the Emulator:

You need to add a mob_custom so open Mining-System.patch
in the main folder, you can open it with notepad ++ or notepad * best notepad ++

look for things that have + in front or the green ones:

basically you go to your emulator’s db/import folder and look for mob_db, play those 2 lines down there in o + in front.

and the item_db you do the same thing, put those lines there from item 6010 (that’s what I chose to be the pick, you can change it if you want)

there after adding this to the db, open your npc folder in the emulator
go to the> custom folder and create a folder called Frost or whatever name you want …

paste the script into the EMULATOR folder of the mining system.
go back some folders and look in the same NPC folder as the emulator, look for scripts_custom.conf is in the general folder of npcs ..

add this:

npc: npc/custom/frost/FR_ROCK.txt

in place of frost there may be the folder you put ..

* note: if you used another ID in npcidentity.lub, it is necessary to change it in the FR_ROCK.txt script

* note2: you need to restart your emulator if it is on or give a @reloadmobdb if you added the mob without turning it off.

*note3: in mob_db.txt the mob needs to have the name of the sprite in case you change it, like this:

25103,MINING1,mining 1,mining

remembering that MINING1 is the MINING1.spr and MINING1.act of the monster folder.

any questions ask me.